GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (2024)

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (1)

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Throughout this page we will look at the growth of German Shepherd's from birth until maturity. While looking through the different stages of growth you can see the rough size of German Shepherd puppies at different stages of their life by comparing the ages to aGerman Shepherd growth chart.

Important Note: Once a puppy has been weened off milk it is essential that the puppy is given a high quality puppy food to ensure proper development. A lack of proper nutrients can result in ears not rising, smaller than normal dogs and health complications in later life. In my opinion Blue Buffalo Puppy Food is the best available on the market.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (2)GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (3)
Blue Buffalo Puppy Food Is Perfect
For Your Growing GSD Puppy

German Shepherd Puppies At Birth

GSD development begins at birth. German Shepherd puppies, as with all other dog breeds, are born with their eyes and ears closed.

At this stage the GSD puppies are completely dependent on their mothers for care, food and the like and the newborn puppies are relatively immobile.

A small section of the umbilical cord will still be attached to the German Shepherd puppy - this will dry up and fall off on its own within a few days.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (4)

The first 3 days are the most critical in a GSD puppies life.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (5)

Birth is the beginning of the neonatal period in GSD development and it lasts roughly 2 weeks.Their body temperature is also lower than an adult GSD (at around 94º to 97º versus the normal 102º or so for an adult dog) at this stage and the heart rate is very fast, at around 200 BPM.

Typically the puppies will curve into a comma type shape when picked up. This is because their nervous system at this time is still very immature. Additionally, they can't eliminate unless the mother, or caregiver, stimulates their anus or urethra by licking or gently rubbing the area. Gentle, frequent handling by humans is very helpful from this age onward.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (6)

Around Day 5

The GSD puppies are nowbeginning to stretch their little legs. As their nervous system development continues they will now also now arch their backs when they are picked up and held rather than curving into a more comma shaped position as before.

Around Day 7

German Shepherd puppiesnow begin to crawl more readily and more often during this phase of GSD development. Short periods of daily handling and exposure to some stimuli can also be very beneficial to stimulate weight gain in the puppy, earlier eye opening, hair growth and motor development in all members of the GSD litter.

Around Day 10

YourGerman Shepherd Puppieseyes and ears are beginning to open. TheGerman Shepherd puppieseyes will appear to be blue in color at first even though they can't focus right now. They will be able to see shapes after about 2 weeks of age during continued GSD development.

Around Day 14

The German Shepherd pupseyes and ears should be fully open by nowand many may have their first incisor teeth beginning to erupt. The puppies should also be crawling quite well by this time.This is the beginning of the transitional period of GSD development which typically lasts about a week or so.This is also a period of profound changes in the German Shepherd puppies growth and development.

The German Shepherd puppy will begin to be more independent from it's mom during this time. During this time the German Shepherd puppies will begin to eliminate on their ownand should start walking within 2- to 3 days (by about day 16 or so) - very shaky at first, but with practice growing legs will soon become less wobbly.

Around Day 16 - 18

Beginning social interactions with other GSD littermates also begins around this time in GSD development.You can observe tail wagging as well as the beginning of play fighting. German Shepherd puppies will also be eliminating on their own by this time.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (7)

Around Day 21

Around this date the German Shepherd puppy will move from the transitional phase into the socialization period of GSD development.By this time GSD puppies should be able to walk pretty well, with a more adult-like gait. They will also begin a more active exploration of their environments and that of their GSD litter mates.

This period is thought to last from about 2.5 weeks of age to 13 weeks. This is an extremely important time for the emotional and social developmentof the German Shepherd puppy.

This is also a period of dramatic changes in your German Shepherd puppies life.This is the period in GSD development when puppies can form bonds with species outside of its own(such as human beings). This is also the time when the puppy can identify their own species as well as being able to identify future social partners. Oftentimes, the peak of sensitivity to the formation of social bonds is described to be between 6 to 8 weeks of age.This is also called the fear period in GSD development!

Around Week 4

By nowsocial play becomes an important factor in GSD developmentand German Shepherd puppies learn how to interact with litter mates and adult animals of their species as well.

They can also play with toys, play fight, play with humans and other animals and arebeginning to eat other soft foods to supplement their mother's milk. Many times theGSD puppiesare fearless during this time - exploring their environment and all that is about them.

This is also a good time for continued exposure to new and novel things, to various people and other kinds of animals, all while the German Shepherd puppy continues to develop. The body temperature of the GSD puppy at this time has reached a steady temperature of about 100º while the heart rate has slowed to about 170 BPM. It is also important to note thatmostGerman Shepherd Puppies will have a full set of teeth by this time - poor mom :~(.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (8)

Thesocializationstage is very important in the growth of GSD development, however it should be looked at within the context of the developing emotional system of the puppy. At around 3 - 5 weeks of age attraction responses in German Shepherd puppies are very strong. These kinds of responses begin to diminish between 5 - 7 weeks of age as fear responses begin to emerge.

It is important to note thatearlysocializationis tremendously importantin the development of well-adjusted GSD puppies. During these few weeks, your German Shepherd puppy will also learn how to play and communicate with it's littermates, respond to humans it comes in contact with and how to get along safely in the adult dog world.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (9)

Around Week 6

German Shepherd puppies begin exhibiting more adult like behaviors such as mounting of other litter mates and demonstrating dominance roles. Sniffing of tails and noses also becomes an important part of the greeting process among their canine peers. Between about 7 - 9 weeks of age the fear response may become so strong as to begin to overwhelm the attraction response. For other puppies the social motivation to make contact may very well overcome any wariness during this phase of GSD development.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (10)

Around weeks 7 - 12

Among other things, this is anideal age ofsocializing your German Shepherd puppyto humans, other animals and new surroundings and objects. It also a great time to learn such important skills as:leash training, housebreaking, crate training, accepting gentle handling and grooming and to accept human domination and control.

The socialization period is absolutely critical in GSD developmentand acceptance of other animal species. If a GSD puppy is not exposed to horses, sheep, goats, other dogs, cats or small children before it reaches 12 weeks, it is likely it will never accept them.

You may also observe that your German Shepherd pupsears are beginning to come upin some form or fashion. Don't be surprised by the wild and interesting shapes that they may take on as they mature.As the puppy goes through theteething processthe ears will go up and down and will do all sorts of weird things- one up one down; one flopping to the left, the other to the right; both in the center, etc.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (11)

Around 3 Months

The socialization period of GSD development ends and the juvenile period begins.This period is thought to occur from the end of the primary socialization period through sexual maturity. All puppy teeth should be in by now and the German Shepherd puppies temperature is now at an adult level of 102º, or thereabouts.

Motor skills are increasing for the GSD puppy. During this time the puppy is still refining both learning and social skills as well. While puppies in this phase can learn quite well,they are easily distracted and very hard to keep on task. This is an excellent time to startpuppy kindergarten. This is also a good time to start being very aware of your GSD puppies ear carriage.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (12)

Around 4 Months

German Shepherd puppies will begin to lose their puppy teeth and will soon replace them with their adult teeth, generally starting with the incisors. Young German Shepherds will continue to learn about their environment and all the individuals in it throughout their social maturization process. This is often the time when older puppies are learning about their social relationships within the environment they live. Social maturity takes more time to achieve than sexual maturity.

In the beginning of social maturity dogs will begin to display more mature, adult social behaviors. This time is thought to vary between breeds and from dog to dog and to occur anywhere from 12 - 36 months of age, especially in the larger breeds such as German Shepherds.

Generally speaking, I do not consider my German Shepherds to be adults until the males are between 2 1/2 - 3 years old and the females are over 2 years old. Again, this varies from German Shepherd toGerman Shepherdbut this is a good place to start.If your German Shepherd puppies ears are not standing up by this time on their ownit is a good time to considertapingthem. Detailed directions for this process can be foundhere.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (13)

Around 6 Months (or later)

At this age the pediatric period ends in GSD development. Overall, most of the puppies internal body systems are nearly "adult" even though the skeleton is still growing and will for some time to come. In many respectsyour German Shepherd puppy is now a "small adult". The heart rate has decreased again to about 70 BPM and by the end of this month the GSD puppy should have afull set of adult teeth.

Also an important milestone: German Shepherd females reach sexual maturity and have theirfirst estrus (heat) period. If the GSD's ears are not up by this time you need to take action quickly to get them up before it is too late. Read the article on ear taping.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (14)

Around 7 - 12 Months

German Shepherd males reach sexual maturityand begin to hike their leg when urinating. It is important to be especially firm and consistent about setting limits and enforcing commands during this time since yourolder GSD puppy may challenge dominance of other dogs or humans during this stage. If the German Shepherd puppies ears are not standing on their own by this point, there is a good chance that they will never stand on their own.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (15)

Around 14 - 16 Months of Age

The German Shepherds attention span is now much longer.This is an ideal age in GSD development to start "Beginning" level classes ofobedience training.Bonding to humans is now very firmly established and your German Shepherds vocal and body communications are now that of a more mature individual dog - and more easily understood, and well on their way to many years of happy companionship with you.

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (16)

GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (17)

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GSD Growth & Behavioural Changes (Including Ears) (2024)


At what age do German Shepherds ears raise? ›

This is an unfortunate fact of life. German Shepherd puppy ears can come up between 8 weeks and 6 months. If they are not up when the dog is through teething (this varies from dog to dog but in general between 16 weeks and 20 weeks of age), I tell my puppy customers to get very interested in their ears.

When should I be concerned about my German Shepherds ears? ›

If the ears of your German Shepherd are not erect after his fifth month, and this is the look you desire, you may want to contact your veterinarian or breeder. Between the 5th and 7th month the ear cartilage is still soft enough to encourage the ear into an upright position.

How long does the puppy stage last in German Shepherd? ›

Dogs of different breeds and sizes mature at different ages, and while one year of age is commonly considered the end of puppyhood in general, a German Shepherd Dog may not reach an adult level of maturity before the age of two or three (and males tend to reach this stage later than females).

How can you tell if a puppy's ears will stand up? ›

Every puppy is different. The ears can first go up at any time from four weeks old to never. If the ears are going to stand naturally they would be up between four and seven months of age and after her adult teeth have come in. It is not unusual to see the ears go up and down during the teething process.

Do some German Shepherds ears not go up? ›

Most breeders and veterinarians will tell you that floppy ears are common while your German Shepherd is teething, which usually ends between 16 and 20 weeks. By then, the cartilage in the ear has become hard and strong enough for the ear to stand permanently.

Can a full grown German Shepherd have floppy ears? ›

If your German Shepherd's ears have always been floppy, it could just be their genetics. Although most German Shepherds have up-right ears, some can have floppy or semi-pricked ones. It is rare, but just like coat length, eye color, and coat color, a dog's ear shape is also affected by their genetics.

Do all German Shepherds ears perk up? ›

It is very common for GSD pups to have ears that tilt and flop this way and that as they gain strength to stand on their own. The German Shepherd ears may take all matter of shapes (1 up, 1 down; 1 this way, 1 that way) until they come completely up. Do not panic when this happens – It is completely normal.

How long do German Shepherds live? ›

The German Shepherd is an amazing dog with tons of excellent qualities. They have a lifespan of 9-13 years which is average for most dogs. There are several factors that can affect how long they live. It is important to recognize these factors and hopefully extend their lives as much as possible.

How do I know if my German Shepherd is happy? ›

There are some really clear signs you'll see in your dog showing they are happy:
  • A high and waggy tail. This is probably the most well-known sign your dog is a happy pooch.
  • Floppy ears. ...
  • Their body's relaxed. ...
  • They're playful. ...
  • They lean in to you.

What does it mean when a German Shepherd stares at you? ›

Just as humans stare into the eyes of someone they adore, dogs will stare at their owners to express affection. In fact, mutual staring between humans and dogs releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone. This chemical plays an important role in bonding and boosts feelings of love and trust.

What does it mean when your German Shepherd sits on you? ›

Your dog sitting on you may be his way of saying he loves you, he feels safe around you, or that you are his territory. As long as he isn't acting aggressively towards you, other people, or other animals, and as long as you're okay with it, this kind of behavior doesn't present a problem.

What is the hardest puppy stage? ›

The most challenging time of raising a puppy is the adolescent period. Dogs become “teenagers” and seem to forget everything they have ever been taught. This period is individual to each dog, but it may begin when he's about eight months old and continue until he's two years old.

Do German Shepherds go through a rebellious stage? ›

Stage 5: Adolescence at 6-18 Months

Adolescence in German Shepherd Dogs will begin around nine or ten months old and likely continue until they are two or three years old. Starts inappropriate chewing (furniture, shoes, etc.) Starts sexual behavior if not spayed/neutered, humping etc.

At what age does a German Shepherd start guarding? ›

German Shepherds typically reach puberty between the ages of 6 and 12 months, at which point they may start to exhibit more territorial and protective behaviors. This is a natural instinct for many dogs, and it is important to channel this energy in a positive way through training and socialization.

Are dogs happy when their ears are up? ›

As a general rule, a dog's level of attention can be determined by watching their ears: Erect ears facing forward indicate that they're engaged, and slightly pulled-back ears signal that they're feeling friendly; but dog ears laid tightly back against the head suggest a fearful or timid reaction.

What do dog ear positions mean? ›

The Ears: When your dog's ears are forward, it means the dog is paying close attention to something or is curious. When your dog's ears are flat against its head, it represents fear or aggression. Ears way back but not close to its head may mean that your dog is feeling sad.

What causes a puppies ears to not stand up? ›

What's happening in these pups is that their bodies are using their calcium for teeth development instead of developing ear structure. As a pup starts to get its adult teeth, it is, therefore, possible for erect ears to begin to sag and stay this way until they're done teething.

Why won't my German Shepherd puppies ears stand up? ›

Many German Shepherd's ears do not stand up while they are teething. So, if they are teething, be patient and try not to worry. In fact, it is not uncommon for their ears to stand up and then drop when they start teething. So until teething has finished, be patient.

Why does my German Shepherd whine? ›

German Shepherds often whine when they are seeking comfort. This whining may occur when a dog feels scared, anxious, or overwhelmed. Dogs may also whine when they experience physical discomfort, such as pain from a medical condition.

Can you play with German Shepherd puppy ears? ›

A good rule of thumb is to keep any hands off your pup's ears. That means no bending, rubbing, or folding. I know it's not easy to leave those cute, soft ears alone, but it's best not to play with them for healthy, perky ears.

How long does it take for a German Shepherd to be fully grown? ›

The short answer is German Shepherds reach their full growth at about three years of age. The five-pound puppy you brought home will become a full-grown dog of about 90 pounds. Essentially, she or he will grow to the size of a teenager in weight, but about 26 inches in length.

What is the most common cause of death in German Shepherds? ›

According to a 2017 study in Canine Genetics and Epidemiology, the leading cause of death for German shepherds is musculoskeletal disorders, followed by the inability to stand. Hip dysplasia and degenerative myelopathy are likely two common culprits for the latter, as they cause weakness and paralysis of the legs.

How long should a German Shepherd be left alone? ›

German Shepherds should not be left alone for more than 8 hours a day. They are easily bored so if they are left alone for that long, they may start engaging in destructive or problematic behavior such as digging, chewing and barking.

Do male or female German Shepherds live longer? ›

Female German Shepherds live an additional 1.4 years on average than males. In general, female German Shepherds live to a median of 11.1 years, however, males have a median lifespan of 9.7 years. Like all dogs, some German Shepherds can live past their average lifespan.

Do German Shepherds pick a favorite person? ›

They are happiest when with the ones they love. So, the bottom line is yes, a German shepherd will undoubtedly form a strong bond with just one person and be content to do so. However, they also make great family companions and they love to be the center of attention.

What do German Shepherds love the most? ›

3 Things Your German Shepherd Dog Loves More Than Anything
  • #1 – Herding. Bred for herding (well, technically tending), almost all German Shepherd Dogs love to herd. ...
  • #2 – A Job. Live somewhere where herding isn't an option? ...
  • #3 – You!

Why does my dog sit in front of me facing away? ›

Sitting near you but with eyes turned away is a calculated choice. Dogs want to sense your location but also keep an eye on potential threats. “By lying close to the owner and facing away, dogs express a sense of loyalty and protection,” Joslin adds.

Can German shepherds sense feelings? ›

Know that German Shepherds also go through the same chemical and hormonal changes, just like humans. The previous point makes it clear that dogs do experience emotions depending on situations. The only difference is that dogs can't verbalize their feelings. Also, dogs feel their emotions on a very basic level.

What does it mean when a dog sits with his back to you? ›

When your dog turns his back to you, he is showing you that he's friendly and trusts you. In the animal world, turning your back to someone puts you in a vulnerable position. Your dog is trusting that you won't attack him from behind.

How do you tell if your German Shepherd is attached to you? ›

Here are a few telltale signs:
  1. 1) They snuggle with your belongings, especially clothing. As we know, dogs have an exceptionally strong sense of smell. ...
  2. 2) They rest their head on you. ...
  3. 3) They are expressive and make eye contact. ...
  4. 4) They yawn when you do. ...
  5. 1) Provide a routine. ...
  6. 2) Spend time with them. ...
  7. 3) Be patient.
Feb 12, 2020

What does it mean when a dog sits and puts his paw on you? ›

Conclusion: Pawing means your dog wants your attention. If your dog puts their paw on you while you're spending time together, it's likely an expression of affection or the gestural equivalent of “pet me more!”

What does it mean when a German Shepherd sits on your feet? ›

Dogs sit on their owners' feet and lean on legs for many reasons. But dogs often perch on their humans because they are displaying or looking for affection, feeling anxious, seeking security, or guarding their owners. Arthritic dogs also might prefer this raised position because they don't have to bend down to sit.

What is the naughtiest puppy age? ›

Undesirable behaviours such as barking, chewing, counter surfing, house-soiling and jumping up commonly begin to occur at around 3-6 months of age. Your puppy will not grow out of these behaviours. On the contrary, it is more likely that these behaviours will worsen if not addressed early on.

At what age can you tell a puppy's temperament? ›

All puppies start to have a noticeable personality when they reach 7 to 8 weeks of age. You'll notice it especially when they're playing with other puppies or interacting with strangers. Knowing your puppy's personality can help you train and bond with them!

What is the bratty puppy stage? ›

The Brat Stage starts at about 4 months and runs until about 6 months, and it's during this time your puppy will demonstrate even more independence and willfulness. You may see a decline in his urge to please you – expect to see more “testing the limits” type of behaviors.

At what age do GSD become aggressive? ›

What Age Does a German Shepherd Become Aggressive? A German Shepherd becomes aggressive at around 3 to 6 months old. This escalates during the adolescent stage from 6 months to two years old as sexual maturity arises and hormones fluctuate.

What is the fear period in German Shepherds? ›

There are two major fear periods in a puppy's socialization. One is at 8-11 weeks and the other is 6-14 months. These fear periods are evolutionarily programmed and are protective for dogs in the wild.

Will a German Shepherd defend its owner? ›

These dogs will protect you at all costs

German Shepherds are renowned for their protective instincts, and a well-looked-after pet German Shepherd will therefore do anything to keep their family safe.

At what age do German Shepherds lift their leg to pee? ›

Male dogs start lifting their leg to urinate when they are approximately 6-12 months old. Both neutered and non-neutered dogs will lift their legs, but it is more common for a neutered dog to squat.

How often do you bathe a German Shepherd puppy? ›

Ideally, you should bathe your German Shepherd puppy two or three times a year to preserve the coat's natural oils, which protect his skin and undercoat. “Young puppies in particular really don't need to be bathed often,” says American Kennel Club Judge and German Shepherd Dog expert Dr.

What does a 4 month old German Shepherd look like? ›

Size and Appearance of a 4 Month Old German Shepherd

Once a German Shepherd reaches four months of age, it can be one foot tall and will weigh about half of the total adult weight. Male German Shepherds will weigh between 35 and 40 pounds, while females will weigh between 31 and 35 pounds.

Why is my 6 month old German Shepherds ears not standing? ›

Your German Shepherd puppy's ears will stand up around 5 months of age, but can take up to 8 or 9 months in some puppies. It's totally normal if your dog's ears don't both stand up and your GSD has one ear up and one ear down.

Do all German Shepherd puppies have floppy ears? ›

When do a German Shepherd's ears stand up? All puppies are born with soft, floppy ears. This is because the cartilage and muscles in their ears have not developed yet. They are also born with closed ears, meaning that they can't yet hear anything.

Why does my German Shepherd put his ears back when I pet him? ›

As a general rule, a dog's level of attention can be determined by watching their ears: Erect ears facing forward indicate that they're engaged, and slightly pulled-back ears signal that they're feeling friendly; but dog ears laid tightly back against the head suggest a fearful or timid reaction.

How can you tell a good German Shepherd puppy? ›

A German Shepherd puppy should have, first and foremost, a good temperament. They should be inquisitive, outgoing, and unafraid in his advances towards everything and everybody. They will also demand and exhibit affection without inhibition. Many times puppies will single out one of the litter to pick on.

What are the signs of inbreeding in German Shepherds? ›

Severe separation anxiety, impulsive behaviors (compulsively chasing vehicles or running out into the street), fearfulness, and even a complete lack of affection for their human family are all more common in inbred dogs. While many dog breeds have high degrees of inbreeding, some are worse than others.

How far should you walk a 4 month old German Shepherd? ›

As a rule of thumb, puppies will need five minutes of formal exercise (such as walkies) for every month of their age. These walks should be opportunities to explore their environment, work on training and good behaviour outdoors, and socialise with other people and dogs in a controlled manner.

How long can a 4 month old German Shepherd hold their pee? ›

Puppy (<6 months) =1-3 hours
Puppy (>6 month) =2-6 hours
Adult (<7 years) =6-8 hours
Senior (>7 years) =4-6 hours
Senior (>12 years) =2-4 hours
Apr 24, 2021

How long should you walk a 4 month old German Shepherd? ›

Walking Time and Amount Chart
Puppy's AgeWalking Time and Amount
3 months oldonly 15 minutes of leisurely walking at a time
4 months oldonly 20 minutes of slow walking at a time
5 months oldonly 25 minutes of slow walking at a time
6 months oldonly 30 minutes of moderate walking at a time
1 more row
Aug 26, 2021


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